February 10, 2009

limejeos development appliance

LimeJeos is a project at the opensuse community for building a very small linux, that is a JeOS (Just enough Operating System) based on opensuse as a base for appliances.

This JeOS is defined as a kiwi project.

This appliance has a checkout version of the code in svn of this project and all the kiwi tools needed to create a limejeos appliance and so, an appliance based on limejeos.

Just login as user root, password linux, and you'll find everything you need in the work directory. You can also make a "svn update" to get the latest code.

It is based on opensuse11.0 and has been built with the suse studio, a web application for building appliances based on openSUSE. LimeJeOS and the suse studio have in common that they both use kiwi.

Download it and give it a try!


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