July 15, 2009

update forecast for opensuse: milestone 0.1

Update forecast has reached milestone 0.1!

Update forecast is a project for creating a prediction model for openSUSE updates, extensible to any distribution updates, so we can have a prediction of how many updates will come. That is a research project and we do not know whether there is such a model, but for sure the work will be worth it and we'll learn a lot.

This first milestone was to study the openSUSE 11.0 updates and for doing so we implemented a small java application that parses the updateinfo.xml file, the file that has the information of the publication of the updates. As a result, we wrote a white paper that was presented at the Free Software Conference in Barcelona (http://www.jornadespl.org) last week.

You can download the code and the white paper from sourceforge: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/updateforecast .

You can download the presentation from http://www.jornadespl.org/biblioteca/viii-jornades/xerrades-curtes/model-predictiu-dactualitzacions-software

This project is being sponsored by the Ministry of Industry Science and Technology of the Spain, the European Union, ITechGrup and A65.cat.

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