February 1, 2009

Moodle appliance

Moodle is the most known Course Management Software. Universities around the world are using it as an elearning platform. You can manage students, teachers, courses, activities, ... One very easy way to install Moodle is to just copy a virtual appliance like the one I've made with Suse studio . Give it a try!

First time it boots, it configures the network. If you configure it as dhcp, login as root (linux as password) and use ifconfig to know the IP address. Once you know the network configuration, connect to it with your browser, and follow the instructions.

There is a mysql database configured on localhost you can use. Use user root and no password (leave it blank).

Download URL: Course_Management_System_moodle_applianc-0.0.1.vmx.tar.gz

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